WELCOME: Just a bit of nonsense really from a paper crafter and quilter who loves to dabble in all sorts of crafts. It will give me a way of remembering my craft projects - and sharing them with others

22 August 2010


These are the cards that I love making and sending the most... the ones  that celebrate good news. Congratulations to nephew Iain who is going to university in Liverpool to study Sports Technology. Used my Craft Studio Professional and some images from Google.

More soon


Another Japanese Tilda- this time for my work colleague Eva in Denmark.  This one unfortunately didnt arrive on time!

More soon



I love all the new Magnolia Bon Voyage images. Especially love the Japanese and Chinese ones as I have always liked oriental images and the I can use my oriental inspired CDs for backgrounds etc.  A happy marriage of crafting styles. Still need to perfect the Promarker technique but its fun practising!

Here's the one I gave to Anne when we met up last week for a fab day out in Brighton. For once the card arrived before the birthday.
More soon

07 August 2010


Today Eva in Denmark is marrying her partner Ole and I made this cute Tilda and Edwin card for the department to send. Really enjoyed making this one- was planning it for ages and used K& Co papers and the Glitter Girl's midget gems to finish it off.  It's a card within a card as the ribbon holds the smaller card closed and inside there is a favourite poem of mine 'The Art of Marriage'.

When I was blog hopping last night I realised that this fits the bill for several challenges this week so I will link this page to the following challenge blogs:

Creative Inspirations Recipe: 5 flowers, 3 papers, one ribbon
Simon Says Song title: Going to the Chapel
Cute Card Thursday: Whateva

05 August 2010


Last minute as usual.  I have started something with the humorous cards for our friends so the pressure is on. Came up with this one for Lee's birthday on Monday using a photo taken at a recent BBQ with the 'gang'.

Today was Aaron's birthday so I came up with this Meerkat card- simples. Used Promarkers to colour in a line drawing from a Joanna Sheen CD.

More soon


01 August 2010


Loved doing this Ballerina Tilda which Kat gave to Louise for her birthday last Friday. Pity the photo doesn't do it justice.

More soon


More catch up

Just remembered another card sent in July which didn't make it to the blog. Here is another Tilda cutie which I sent to Sue H for her birthday.  Not so many cards for August so I am going to get on with some quilting!

More soon
